Research Journals
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“Agronomy Research” (ISSN 1406-894X) is a peer-reviewed international journal intended for publication of broad-spectrum original articles, reviews and short communications on actual problems of modern biosystems engineering including crop and animal science, genetics, economics, farm- and production engineering, environmental aspects, agro-ecology, renewable energy and bioenergy etc. in the temperate regions of the world. “Agronomy Research” was established in 2003 by the Faculty of Agronomy, Estonian Agricultural University. Presently the journal is published biannually in May and November. Published by Estonian University of Life Sciences, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry |
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“Baltic Forestry” (ISSN 1392-1355) is peer reviewed international scientific journal of forest sciences. The Journal is published two times a year. The journal welcomes the original articles as well as short reports, review papers on forestry and forest science throughout the Baltic Sea region and elsewhere in the area of boreal and temperate forests. In 1995, Forest Research Institutes and Universities from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined their efforts to publish “Baltic Forestry”. The journal is published two times a year in June and November. Published by Institute of Forestry, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Latvian State Forest Reseach Institute “Silava”, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. |
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ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT First published in 1995, the journal “Environmental Research, Engineering and Management” (ISSN 1392-1649, e-ISSN 2029-2139) is an international multidisciplinary journal designed to serve as a roadmap for understanding complex issues and debates of sustainable development. The journal publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers which cover research in the fields of environmental science, engineering (pollution prevention, resource efficiency), management, energy (renewables), agricultural and biological sciences, and social sciences. The coordinator and main publisher of the scientific journal is the Kaunas University of Technology, main partners-publishers who signed a cooperation agreement are Lithuanian Energy Institute and Vytautas Magnus University. |
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MANAGEMENT THEORY AND STUDIES FOR RURAL BUSINESS AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT “Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business And Infrastructure Development“ (e-ISSN 2345-0355) is the international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy the leading institution of research in agricultural & rural business management and bioeconomics in Lithuania. Journal is published quarterly. The aim of the journal is to promote exchange in scientific knowledge by publishing scientific articles in social sciences areas: management and administration, business studies, public administration, economic, as well as application oriented, practically and / or theoretically associated with the countryside, agriculture and its infrastructure. There could be also published theoretical articles in the previous mentioned fields. |
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“Zemdirbyste-Agriculture“ (ISSN 1392-3196, e-ISSN 2335-8947) is a quarterly scientific journal which covers a wide range of topics in the field of agricultural sciences, agronomy. It publishes articles of original research findings in the English language in the field of agronomy (soil and crop management, crop production, plant protection, plant breeding and genetics, biotechnology, plant nutrition, agrochemistry, soil science, microbiology etc.) and related areas. Articles are peer-reviewed. Published by Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and Vytautas Magnus University. Published since 1954. |
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The journal of “Agricultural Engineering” (ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371) is a research journal published by Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Engineering. It is an international medium for the publication of multidisciplinary and interface between agriculture engineering and other fields of science works. The journal publishes original research papers dealing with mechanization of cropping and animal husbandry, green energy engineering, development, maintenance and reliability improvement of agricultural and other machinery, development of agriculture and other problems related to areas covered by agricultural engineering and interface between agriculture engineering and other fields of science. The journal has a history since 1960. At that time the title of the journal was Works of the Scientific Research of the Institute of Lithuanian Agriculture Mechanization and Electrification. Since 1995 journal is under the title “Agricultural Engineering”. |
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ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKSLAI /AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES The scientific journal “Agricultural Sciences” (ISSN 1392-0200, e-ISSN 2424-4120) of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy publishes original articles in the following fields and directions of science: agricultural sciences (agronomy, forest sciences, zootechnics, veterinary medicine), technological sciences (mechanical engineering, environmental engineering), social sciences (management, sociology, economics (agricultural economics, rural development, etc.)). Scientific articles present original research data based on statistical analysis, search for causality of the results, modelling of processes and comparison of research data with the latest works by other authors. The journal publishes methodological, review, critical and information (about anniversaries, conferences, scientific collaboration, institutions of science and education) articles too. |
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“Baltic Surveying” is an international, cross-disciplinary, scientific, peer-reviewed and open access journal, issued as online (ISSN 2255–999X) edition. The journal includes original articles on land administration, land management, real property cadastre, land use, rural development, geodesy and cartography, remote sensing, geoinformatics, other related fields, as well as education in land management and geodesy throughout the Baltic countries, Western and Eastern Europe and elsewhere. The journal is the first one in the Baltic countries dealing with the mentioned issues. The periodicity of the journal is 1 or 2 volume per year. “Baltic Surveying” is jointly issued by consortium of Department of Land Management and Geodesy of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia), Department of Spatial Analysis and Real Estate Market and Department of Geodesy of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland), and Department of Land use planning and Geomatics of Vytautas Magnus University. |
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Proceedings of Conference “Rural Development” (ISSN 1822-3230 (printed), ISSN 2345-0916 (online)) are published periodically every two years since 2003 and indexed by Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science), EBSCO (Academic Search Complete). The conference proceedings dedicated to publishing empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in Agro-innovations and Food Technologies, Biosystems Engineering and Environment Integrity, Sustainable Use of Natural Bio-Resources, Social Innovations for Rural Development. The journal is published by the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. |
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ŽMOGAUS IR GAMTOS SAUGA / HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY The journal “Human and Nature Safety” contains original articles that present the results of research and/or solutions for human safety and health and environmental protection. Topics and main sections of the publication are as follows: environmental engineering, ergonomics, occupational safety; sustainable production and processing technologies; research of environmental impact on human health; ecology and biodiversity conservation, sustainable forestry. Publication of the articles is supervised by the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Safety of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. Published annually. Printed version available since 2000, online – 2016. |
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JAUNASIS MOKSLININKAS / YOUNG SCIENTIST Proceedings of the annual conference “Young Scientist” publishes articles by young scientists (students of the first, second and third stages of study) on relevant issues of bioeconomy, the Green Deal, climate change, sustainability of ecosystems, sustainable use and protection of natural resources. The journal is published once a year by the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. |