VMU Agriculture Academy Career Day 2025 “A Career That Changes the World is in Your Hands”
Free Online Webinar “Customs Duties and Their Impact on Global Trade Dynamics”
Teaching aid, research paper competitions and awarding nominations of VMU AA employees are announced
Announcement of ERASMUS+ contest for studies and traineeships for 2025-2026. Turn the adventure into an experience!
VMU Agriculture Academy presents a new dual-degree program “Aquamatics”: a sustainable future – in the hands of highly knowledgeable specialists
The exhibition “Postcards” by photographer S. Gečas at VMU Agriculture Academy library.
The Kick-off Meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Bumblebees for Natural Pollination” [BUMBLE-NAP]
Third Transnational Partners Meeting of the Erasmus+ project “The digital Blue Career to overcome the Carbon Crisis – Innovations in Aquaculture Curriculum” [DiBluCa] at the Dubrovnik University
BOVA meeting took place at VMU Agriculture Academy
Webinar. E-commerce: friend or foe?
Erasmus+ blended intensive programme “Wildlife Management and Conservation in Human Altered Ecosystems” implemented at the Faculty of Forestry and Ecology
The Erasmus+ project GREENEUR has been launched, in which scientists from the VMU AA will develop an environmental impact calculator for EU-funded projects
Apply Now: Arts Festival for Students in France
VMU Agriculture Academy Chancellor’s holiday greetings
Apply Now: Transform4Europe Buddy Programme for students
Students and Teachers – New Partnerships in Customs