International cooperation of VMU-AA
International programmes and projects of VMU-AA includes the following cooperation:
a) ERASMUS exchange
b) Nordic-Baltic cooperation
c) Joint projects with the EU countries
d) Joint projects with USA
e) Exchange with the universities of Kazakhstan
Students and staff members of the VMU-AA has training and education opportunities abroad with the assistance of Agriculture Academy Unit of VMU International Cooperation Department (ICD-AA). The exchanges takes place in the frame of bilateral agreements, different research and education projects and also EU programmes, i.e. ERASMUS programme, BOVA and NOVA universtity network activities.
VMU-AA units are participating in ERASMUS+ KA2 projects activities (ex. QUALS, DIAD-tools, SMARTRURAL etc.). The ERASMUS+ CBHE project “Internal quality assurance system for agriculture and biosystem engineering related HEI of Algeria (QUALS)” is coordinated by VMU-AA.
ICD-AA also coordinates international full-degree studies at VMU-AA.