Teaching visit in Czech University of Life Sciences Prague under the ERASMUS+ programme

Professor Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor Antanas Juostas from Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Faculty of Engineering by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program (Staff Mobility for Teaching).
Professors and reasearchers of VDU Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and University of Life Sciences and Technologies Faculty of Engineering long time collaborating according ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training progrmme and particpating in Conferences, organizing Research projects and PhD processes. The Faculty of Engineering was established in 1952 as a part of the University of Agriculture under the original name Faculty of Mechanization. The Faculty has belonged to the renamed Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague since 01.01.1995. During its existence, the Faculty of Engineering has educated more than 8,000 graduates in the full-time and combined forms of study. Members of the Faculty are engaged in activities in pedagogic, research, expertise and consultancy areas. The Faculty consists of ten departments, Laboratory of Information Technologies, a Technology Certification Centre and Department of Expert Activities (Expert Institute).
In the scope of its accredited two-level study programmes, the Faculty’s offer aimed at study applicants includes the following three-year Bachelor’s degree programmes and two-year follow-up Master’s degree programmes: Agriculture Machinery, Road and City Automobile Transport, Technique and Technology of Waste Treatment, Technological Equipment of Buildings, Trade and Business with Technology, Information and Control Technology in the Agro-Food Complex, Technology and Environmental Engineering, Maintenance Engineering and Agricultural Engineering.
The international relations play an increasingly important role in the life of the Faculty of Engineering through teaching and research activities.
Prof. Eglė Jotautienė presented the study programs and mobility of ERASMUS+ possibilities in Vytautas Magnus University of Agriculture Academy. Eglė Jotautienė and Antanas Juostas presented the lectures on topic „Innovative technologies in agrimachinery”. Bachelor and Master degree students and professors paid big interest on the topics presented during the lectures. There has been good discussion and interesting questions about Precision Agriculture.
The dean of Engineering faculty, assoc. prof. Ing. Jiří Mašek, Ph.D, has presented faculty laboratories. Shortly explained the areas of researches.
This visit was a good possibility to receive and exchange the specific and new information in the development of research projects and research tests. The gained experience will be useful for enhancing the quality of studies at our university. The visit has given an opportunity for exchanging the ideas on future education and research cooperation’s, improving the academic relations between departments and student’s mobility and enhancing the studies direction towards the research results utilization to business.