Visit in the Agriculture University of Tirana | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Visit in the Agriculture University of Tirana

Prof. Vilija Aleknevičienė and assoc. prof. Daiva Makutėnienė from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy visited Agriculture University of Tirana on 8–12 of April 2019. The University is founded in 1951. The professors visited the Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness. This faculty was founded in 1971. It is a leader in the field of economics & management research in Farm and Agribusiness Economics, Sector/Value Chain Analysis, Agro Food Policy Analysis, Policy Evaluation, Economic Development, Rural Poverty Elevation, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture Microcredit, Financial Insurances in Agriculture, etc.

They came to this University for teaching visit. V. Aleknevičienė taught master students on the topics of management of company finance. Students from the host university were introduced with methodological problems and practical application of financial models used in strategic management of company finance. The teaching course included the methods of capital cost determination; capital structure management issues; company valuation using DCF method and relative model. D. Makutėnienė taught master students on the analysis of agricultural and food markets. The teaching course included the following issues: measuring demand for domestic consumption; measuring demands for storage, speculation and exports; measuring price spreads and derived demand for agricultural products and inputs; measuring farm supply.

During the visit the professors met with the researchers from the Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness. They invited the researchers to participate in the conference Rural Development 2019. Prof. V. Aleknevičienė introduced Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and invited the students and professors to come under Erasmus to VMU.