Visit to the Khmelnitsky National University

Professor Juozas Padgurskas (Institute of the Transport and Machinery Engineering) visited Khmelnitsky on 07 – 13 of April. Khmelnitsky National University ( ) – is the largest higher educational institution in Podolia region (west – central and south – western part of the country), which trains specialists from many fields of knowledge and conducts educational, methodological and scientific work. The University was founded in 1962. There are six faculties at the university: Faculty of Engineering Mechanics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty, Faculty of Technology and Design, Faculty of Programming, Computer and Telecommunication Systems and Faculty of International Relations.
The main aim of the visit is to provide a course of lectures on green tribology, engineering materials testing, to educate the students who can follow engineering testing developments and apply this principles in the research, discuss the inter-university cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus + program establish, strengthen the scientific cooperation with the Khmelnitsky National University scientists, who are working in the mechanical engineering and tribology fields. During the visit, a cooperation agreement was signed between Vytautas Magnus University and Khmelnitsky National University.
Our University is preparing to submit an application under the call H2020-MSCA-RISE 2019 Bio-Waste materials for green tribology: research and training. Khmelnitsky National University is our partner in this application.