Visit to Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Visit to Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon

On 7–13 April 2019, the staff team of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) visited Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon, under the ERASMUS+ programme. VMU team included assoc. prof. Rytis Skominas from the Faculty of Water and Land Management, assoc. prof. Bernardas Vaznonis from the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, assoc. prof. Giedrius Janauskas and lecturer dr. Jurgita Macijauskaitė-Bonda from the Faculty of Humanities and head of Agriculture Academy Unit of International Cooperation Department Minvydas Liegus.

USEK is a private Catholic higher education institution founded by the Lebanese Maronite Order in 1938. Nowadays, USEK welcomes more than 8,000 students across its twelve faculties (Faculty Agricultural and Food Sciences; Business School; School of Engineering; Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts; School of Medicine and Medical Sciences; Faculty of Letters; School of Law and Political Sciences; Faculty of Music; Faculty of Sciences; Pontifical Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities; Faculty of Religious and Oriental Sciences) and three institutes (Higher Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences; Institute of History; Higher Institute of Nursing Sciences). University has a modern infrastructure, advanced research laboratories and technique, modern library facilities.

The activities at USEK included meetings at International Affairs office, presenting lectures at different faculties, participation at International Education Days events and Study Abroad Fair. The collaboration possibilities between VMU and USEK also were discussed.

Rytis Skominas had open lectures At School of Engineering on durability, repair, inspection and maintenance of hydraulic structures for students from School of Engineering. In addition, Rytis Skominas had meeting with academic staff from this School. During the meeting, the possibilities for the collaboration in research and study fields were discussed.

Bernardas Vaznonis visited USEK Business School and gave lectures on Environmental Economics – externalities and their economic regulation, strategic decisions implementing environmental policy. He also discussed future education and research cooperation possibilities with associate dean prof. dr. Charbel El Khoury.

Giedrius Janauskas and Jurgita Macijauskaitė-Bonda presented lectures at the Faculty of Letters on multiculturalism and tendencies of development democracy and culture in Lithuania and Baltic region. They also met the dean of the Faculty of Letters and discussed about possibilities of cooperation within the faculties especially in the field of francophone studies. Encouraging scholars and students to use Erasmus+ Programme and focus on philosophy and language studies. Giedrius also have met the director of the Centre of Latin America Studies and Cultures Roberto Khatlab who presented USEK perspectives and plans of Latin America’s studies implementation at USEK. The main object of this meeting was cooperation of Lithuanian Emigration institute at VMU and Centre of Latin America Studies and Cultures at USEK in field of studies and research.

At the USEK International Education Days sessions, Minvydas Liegus introduced VDU and presented good practices of VDU in Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity building in higher Education projects. The discussions on expanding of further cooperation with USEK departments and faculties took place with Clemence Drouet, director of International Affairs office and the staff of the Office. It was agreed to facilitate cooperation in staff and student exchange, develop partnership in Erasmus project based activities.

All VMU team actively participated in Study Abroad Fair, were presented VMU programmes in English, and consulted interested USEK students on admission, study organization, living and other details.

Prepared by:

Rytis Skominas,

Bernardas Vaznonis,

Giedrius Janauskas,

Jurgita Macijauskaitė-Bonda,

Minvydas Liegus.