Professor Olaniyi Jacob Babayemi: Visiting teacher under European Union ERASMUS+ Programme, November 2019

Professor Olaniyi Jacob Babayemi, is from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a former Head of Department of Animal Science and the present Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the same University. He is a specialist in Ruminant Production and Management. He teaches ruminant nutrition, pasture and range management, conservation and utilization by cattle, sheep and goats. He handles the Bachelor and Postgraduate students in the area of scientific reporting, the experience he garnered as supervisor and reviewer of articles for high reputable journals.
Professor O. Jacob Babayemi came to the University of Vytautas Magnus, Kaunas, Lithuania, as visiting teacher, in the frame of European Union ERASMUS+ programme STA. He was hosted by Dr Romas Ruibys of the Faculty of Agronomy for the period of stay. During the period, the visiting professor from Nigeria, delivered a lecture to about 65 students and four professors. The lecture, titled “Writing scientific reports” was based on the critical area of needs by the students for project and article submissions. With wrap attentions by the audience, the lecturer presented his teaching on the principle for having attractive project title, exclusive abstract, well justified introduction, unambiguous review of literature, repeatable materials and methods, systematic flow of results, convincing discussion, succinct conclusion and credible bibliography. The lecture was adjudged good and well applauded by the students. Prof Jacob Babayemi is a teacher indeed, and we desire he comes every year to teach the students in this uncommon subject. In order to show our pleasure, a certificate signed by the Dean of the Faculty was presented to him.