Visit to Bialystok university of technology

Lecturers from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of Business and Rural Development Research Institute doc. dr. Lina Marcinkeviciute and lector Jolanta Vilkeviciute visited BIALYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY under the ERASMUS+ staff training programme during 15 – 17 of January 2020 .
Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) was established in 1949 and has a long tradition of educating engineers and young scientists. Now in the university are studding 8,500 students and working 660 teachers – experts in their fields. Bialystok University of Technology has 7 Faculties (Departments).
Lecturers L. Marcinkeviciute and J. Vilkeviciute participated in plenary and group sessions, discussion forums as well as workshops of staff training week “Building strategies and tools for Innovation Ecosystem Internationalization”.
In the event was shared thoughts, experiences and best practices of tools for development of academic international entrepreneurship. Also discussed strategies for building a network for Internationalization Innovation Ecosystem.
During the visit was been presented faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Agriculture Academy of Vytautas magnus University, study programmes and main research fields.
More about this staff training week you can found: