2nd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”

We are pleased to invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”, which will be held online on 20-21 May 2021.
The conference is organised by the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy and the Faculty of Economics and Social Development of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
The conference is dedicated to representatives of social sciences, who are invited to make presentation under following topics:
- Policy and Public Investments in Bioeconomy Research
- Consumer and Producer Behaviour in the Context of Climate Change
- Business and Place Models for a Circular Bioeconomy
- Accelerating Bioeconomy Through Investment and Financing Decisions
The conference will bring together the European and national experts as well as policy makers, researches and stakeholders to discuss about opportunities related to sustainable bioeconomy development.
Online registration for presentations is open until 19 April 2021.