Changes in the Library from April 22

Item loan / return
The library will lend books to home on the basis of pre-orders in the library catalogue or virtual library, provide remote services, the staff consultations available by e-mail:, telephones. Pick up your requested items after receiving e-mail about confirmation of the request. You can pick up and return items in these departments of the library:
- L. Donskis Library (V. Putvinskio St. 23, Kaunas) I–IV, 9–17, V, 9–16: loan of requested items and return from L. Donskis, M. Romeris, V. Biržiška Libraries and Central Repository Libraries. Books ordered from M. Romeris Library are brought on Mondays and Thursdays. Books ordered from the Central Repository are brought every day at 16.00.
- Music Academy Library (V. Čepinskis St. 5-429) I, 9–17, IV, 9–17;
- Education Academy Library (T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius) I–IV, 9–17, V, 9–16;
- Agriculture Academy Central Library (Studentų St. 11, Akademija, Kaunas region) I–IV, 9–17, V, 9–16: loan of requested items and return from Central and Textbook Libraries.
For studies and research, we invite you to use the Library website one window search in various Lithuanian and foreign resources or to search in separate resources – library catalogue, virtual library, subscribed databases, research management system (VMU CRIS), Lithuanian Academic e. Library (eLABa). If you want to read found but licensed by the University resources, log in remotely (enter the University e-mail login details (username: first name, last name; password: e-mail password)).
You can find out where and how to find the necessary information resources for studies and research, how to correctly cite the sources of information used in studies or research by watching video lectures (using Adobe Connect (recommended) or through a browser; logins – e-mail data) at your convenience.