From September VMU students will receive larger scholarships

During the last meeting of VMU Senate of 2020 – 2021, which took place on June 23rd, 2021, together with the VMU Student Representative Council, a decision was made to amend and supplement the existing provisions of the VMU Scholarship Description Procedure, which in addition to procedural changes, expands the circle of first-year students who would be eligible to apply for it, and also increases the sizes of scholarships that are already awarded to students who achieve the best academic results.
Changes of the description responds to the goals of VMU Strategic Plan of 2021 – 2027 to promote and motivate students to achieve the best study results. It is also linked to the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to increase the normative component of tuition fees that is used to encourage students; it responds to the recommendations of the Supervisor of Academic Ethics and Procedures in order to ensure legal certainty and clarity in the regulations of award procedures of scholarships; it also assessed the changes related to the amendments of the Study Regulations and new scholarships awarded by VMU to compensate the cost of tuition fees.
Major changes of the Description of the VMU Scholarship Award Procedure are related to the fact that from September 1st, 2021, the size of scholarship in full-time studies increases from 140 Eur/month up to 150 Eur/month and in part-time studies, organized by the Academies of Education and Agriculture, it changes from 92 Eur/month up to 100 Eur/month. Meanwhile, the admission score for first-year students is being reduced: from September 1st, 2021, students of bachelor or integrated studies will be awarded 80 Eur/month scholarship for students of full-time study forms and for part-time studies, organised by the Academy of Agriculture or Education – 52 Eur/month scholarship. If students’ admission score is not less than 8,500 points (until now this score was 9,500 points), respectively for master’s students – 9,500 points (now students had to reach 10,000 points).
This procedure applies to all students, except to those who will receive University’s scholarship to cover the cost of tuition fees, unless they are the students with the best study results.