VMU AA professor’s teaching visit to Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

2021/2022 academic year
Professors Algirdas Jasinskas (VMU AA Faculty of Engineering) and Kęstutis Romaneckas (VMU AA Faculty of Agronomy) visited Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Jelgava) on September 13-17, 2021 according to the program ERASMUS+ teaching. Faculties of Engineering and Agronomy of this university are the long-term partners of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy.
The main objectives of the mobility was to increase the professional oral and objective skills while presentations for foreign students; to increase skills in English; to grow up the competencies exchange; to grow up the relations with teachers, researchers and students in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies for future collective scientific and study projects development.
During the visit in Latvia University, professors met with ERASMUS+ program coordinator, other scientific and study staff, discussed about scientific and study collaboration between universities, and also observed new scientific equipment and methods. Algirdas Jasinskas and Kęstutis Romaneckas delivered the lectures for students: “Complex evaluation of agricultural technologies” for students of the speciality “Machine Design and Manufacturing”, and for students of the speciality “Applied Energy” about energy plans and biofuel utilization for energy.