Visit of Teachers of VMU Agriculture academy to polytechnic institute of Beja (Portugal)

The teachers of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy assoc. prof. dr. Midona Dapkienė (Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), prof. dr. Laima Česonienė and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Šileikienė (Department of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) visited Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal) according to Erasmus+ Mobility agreement on October 12th to 15th 2021.
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) is a professional and research oriented public higher education institution, located in the south of Portugal, in the region of Alentejo.
IPBeja is made up of four Schools – the School of Agriculture, the School of Education, the School of Technology and Management and the School of Health, with a range of more than 30 courses on offer. The Institute has more than 2000 students, enrolled in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and other professional oriented post-graduate programmes.
The representatives of VMU Agriculture Academy gave the lectures for bachelor and master students in the field of surface water quality, wastewater treatment and its reuse for irrigation, environmental policy and Green Deal. They also presented the oral communications on Environmental Engineering Seminar in Agrarian School of IPBeja. Prof. Laima Česonienė presented the assessment of the impact of hydropower plants on the ecological status indicators of water bodies in Lithuania. Assoc. prof. Midona Dapkienė shared experiences on wastewater treatment in rural areas of Baltic Sea region. Assoc. prof. Daiva Šileikienė presented an analysis of the main principles of organic agriculture – health, ecology, fairness and care.
The teachers had an opportunity to familiarize with the study process and reasearch at IPBeja as well as to discuss the opportunities of Erasmus Mundus project.