13th International Scientific Conference “Accounting and Finance for Business 2022: Towards Sustainability” | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

13th International Scientific Conference “Accounting and Finance for Business 2022: Towards Sustainability”

The traditionally conference on accounting and finance is held biennially at the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development under the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA). We welcome you to join the 13th international scientific conference “Accounting and Finance for Business 2022: Towards Sustainability” on 10-11 November 2022. The Conference will be held online.

Sustainability in business has been gaining momentum as a result of the increasing awareness about climate change and social inequality. The 13th conference on accounting and finance is dedicated to further exploration of this topic. Sustainability-oriented accounting and finance are the tools of measurement and analysis of the social and environmental effect of business. Researchers at the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development under the VMU AA consider the role of accounting and finance to play a significant role in business sustainability and the potential of these areas.

The main objective of the conference is to present and discuss innovative and sustainability-oriented accounting and finance trends, share new insights that are important for greater competitiveness, business performance, and promotion of partnership between the small and medium-sized business and the public sector. The 13th international scientific conference “Accounting and Finance for Business 2022: Towards Sustainability” will bring together the leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars in accounting and finance to exchange and share their experiences and research results relevant to business, and the specialists in accounting and finance at the business and public sector organizations who are not indifferent to the changes aimed at sustainability in business.

The Conference will host panel discussion “What are the risks for a business importing or exporting goods if financial and accounting specialists do not have the necessary customs knowledge?” that will be moderated by the Association of Customs Partitioners, social partner of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development. Special session on the agenda is dedicated to the ongoing project “A Digital Learning Platform for Generation Z: Passport to IFRS” implemented by VMU together with its partners.

The EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION is open until 1 June 2022. Individuals intending to make an oral and/or poster presentation have the chance to pay a reduced participant fee during the early bird registration period. Regular registration of the speakers is open until 7 November 2022. The Conference is free for the audience.

For more information on key dates, fees, and other relevant details about the 13th international scientific conference “Accounting and Finance for Business 2022: Towards Sustainability”, please visit the Conference website at https://afk.vdu.lt/en/.