English Course at Executive Training Institute in Malta

On 30 May – 03 June, 2022 assoc. prof. dr. Jurgita Kulaitienė, lecturer dr. Nijolė Vaitkevičienė and lecturer dr. Dovilė Levickienė of the Department of Plant Biology and Food Sciences from Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy, were participating at the English course “Fluency and Language Development for Education Staff” according to the ERASMUS+ programme. The course was held at the Executive Training Institute in Malta.
In these courses, teaching and administrative staff from different countries (France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland and Austria) were attended.
With this training visit, teachers had the opportunity to work on language and fluency development. Sessions involved short lectures, specific learning tasks, group work, vocabulary building, grammar review and pronunciation exercises. Were placed with the right class and level to increase competence in the English language. As well as the visit has given an opportunity to get know their history, culture and people.