VMU AA scientists visited the international conference "EcoMod 2022" and did an internship at the University of Ljubljana | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

VMU AA scientists visited the international conference “EcoMod 2022” and did an internship at the University of Ljubljana

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) chancellor prof. dr. Astrida Miceikienė and PhD student Laima Skauronė participated in the international scientific conference on economic modeling and data science “EcoMod 2022” and did an internship at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

The international scientific conference “EcoMod” every year takes place in a different country. The purpose of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among scientists of economics and other scientific fields, PhD students, representatives of international organizations and researchers conducting quantitative studies of policy and decision-making in the public and private sectors. The topics of the conference were focused on several areas of applied modeling and data science research: labor market issues, regional modeling, trade and regional integration, developing countries, optimization models, public finance and tax issues, etc.

The research of co-authors prof. dr. A. Miceikienė, PhD student L. Skauronė, assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Žalkauskas “Increasing the financial independence of Lithuanian rural municipalities by applying the spatial modeling method” was presented at the conference. The presenter was prof. dr. A. Miceikienė. Scientists appreciate the opportunity to participate in this conference and scientific discussions. “This is a great conference! We had the opportunity to gain an exceptional experience from scientists and researchers from various countries, who presented research in the field of economic science and the latest modeling methods used in them”, says L. Skauronė.

During the visit, competences in the application of econometric methods in scientific research were also improved, and the latest trends in economic modeling in economic and public finance research were familiarized. At the Faculty of Public Administration of the University of Ljubljana, the latest trends in didactics were discussed, and the case study teaching method was examined. The experience of how to ensure the transfer of knowledge and its quality to students in the modern international study environment, focusing on student achievements and learning progress, has also been gain.

During the meeting with the administration of the Faculty of Public Administration, the situation, problems, and possibilities of the preparation of international projects (Erasmus, Horizon Europa, Interreg, etc.) in the topics of financial independence of the government were discussed and preliminary research directions were formed.