VMU and Its Community Members Receive Acknowledgment | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

VMU and Its Community Members Receive Acknowledgment

On 18 November 2003, a historic decision in the field of human rights was made with the adoption of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Equal Treatment. To mark the occasion, the Seimas hosted an event where panellists shared their behind-the-scenes experiences of the law’s adoption in 2003, discussed what two decades of equal opportunities protection have looked like, and considered future prospects. The event also featured the presentation of certificates of appreciation to individuals and organisations that have made significant contributions to the implementation of equal opportunities in Lithuania over the past 20 years.

The following VMU professors were honoured with personal certificates of appreciation for their long-standing dedication to the field of human rights: Prof. Milda Ališauskienė, Prof. Dalia Leinartė, Prof. Jonas Ruškus, Prof. Artūras Tereškinas, and Prof. Dainius Žalimas.

Vytautas Magnus University was also acknowledged with a certificate of appreciation as an organisation committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all its community members and to improving not only the quality and results of its research and studies, but also the conditions of study and work. In October 2023, VMU was honoured with the highest accolade from the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson for its achievements in the field of equal opportunities – the three Equal Opportunity Wings. Laura Lapinskė, the Equal Opportunities Coordinator, who attended the event, noted that such a symbolic recognition and acknowledgement of positive developments in human rights not only provide an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments already made but also to gain inspiration and new ideas from other experts and organisations that participated in the event.

Many organisations awarded by the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson focus on enhancing diversity and inclusion and empowering people with disabilities. VMU is one of the universities where the development and implementation of disability policy is a key priority. In 2021, VMU Senate approved the disability policy document University of Inclusive Opportunities, which aims to foster a culture of equality and non-discrimination within the University through the appropriate adaptation of study and work conditions, and to increase the accessibility of studies and work. “This award is the result of the efforts of each member of the VMU community,” says Miglė Janušauskaitė, the Disability Coordinator, who attended the event and accepted the award.


VMU Equal Opportunities Coordinator L. Lapinskė, Director of the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson B. Sabatauskaitė, Disability Coordinator M. Janušauskaitė, and VMU Professor Jonas Ruškus.

It is important to note that Vytautas Magnus University is also among the organisers of the National Forum on Human Rights (NFHR), which invites the public to engage in discussions about the current state of affairs and explore ways to ensure that Lithuania is a welcoming place for people of all ethnicities, races, religions, genders, social standings, beliefs, and views – for everyone. This year’s Forum, which is being organised for the sixth time, commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in the Council of Europe.

This year’s Forum will take place on the eve of International Human Rights Day, 8 December.