Opportunity to Apply for an Internship in Lithuania | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Opportunity to Apply for an Internship in Lithuania

VMU Department of International Relations invites foreign students and graduates of full-time studies to apply for internships in Lithuanian market. The main aim of the internship is to provide an opportunity for foreign VMU students and graduates to acquire practical skills in Lithuanian companies and organisations. The internship will contribute to the development of professional knowledge and skills, help to improve Lithuanian language, provide an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and help to establish professional contacts, thus increasing the chances of employment and successful integration into the Lithuanian labour market.  

VMU full-time international students requirements:

  • The duration of the students’ traineeships – min 2 months, max 4 months.
  • Estimated total number of hours of internship – minimum 20 hours per week.
  • Traineeship scholarship – EUR 650/month.

VMU full-time international graduates requirements:

  • The duration of the graduates’ traineeships – 6 months.  
  • Estimated total number of hours of internship – minimum 30 hours per week.
  • Traineeship scholarship – EUR 650/month.

The competition is open to full-time students in the first to third study cycle (except first-year students). The internship is not part of the study programme, it is complimentary. Also, please note that the internship can’t be performed at the company at which the applicant is currently employed.

The list of available traineeships can be found here.

Required application documents: 

Candidates are evaluated according to the following criteria: 

  • Good academic performance without academic debts.
  • Motivation: motivation letter and interview, indicating relevance of the traineeship to personal career design;
  • Additional points: experience in academic, professional or social activities abroad and in Lithuania; pre-arranged and agreed internship place; knowledge of Lithuanian language.

The decision on the candidacy is made by the special UPinLT selection committee approved by the Rector of VMU. The selection process will respect the basic principles of transparency, equality and non-discrimination. The final selection results will be communicated to the participants personally by e-mail and via the VMU student portal, not later than 2 weeks after the application deadline.

Application deadline is 16 June 2024

More information about contest