Republic of Moldova work visit at VMU Agriculture Academy

On June 7 Republic of Moldova delegation – Mr. Vladimir Bolea, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, H.E. Emil Druc, Ambassador at the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Lithuania, Mr. Iurie Scripnic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ms. Diana Cosalic, Director at the Agency of Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA), Mr. Radu Dan, First Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Lithuania and Mr. Rolandas Taraškevičius, EU High Level Adviser on Agri-food sector Development at the European Union High Level Advisers Mission to the Republic of Moldova – visited Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy. Together with Vice-Chancellor of VMU Agriculture Academy and Director of Bioeconomy Research Institute the delegation visited VMU Agroinovation Center and it’s laboratories of Biofermentation of plant raw materials, Pasteurization of plant raw materials, and Hunting Research.
Head of the laboratories of Biofermentation of vegetable raw materials and Pasteurization of plant raw materials prof. dr. Elvyra Jarienė presented ongoing scientific research and unique products being developed. Presenting the Hunting Research Laboratory, lect. dr. Artūras Kibiša showed a very large collection of collected horns and stuffed animals.
During the visit the prospects of the cooperation were discussed.