VMU Expands Scholarship Opportunities to Support Talent Development

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is increasing the size, types, and number of scholarships available to new first-year students and, as a socially responsible institution, is striving in various ways to help young people obtain higher education.
Scholarships for individuals from socially vulnerable groups and regions
The university, in achieving its primary strategic objective of creating a learning ecosystem conducive to the development of personalities and talents, not only pursues this through studies based on the principles of Artes Liberales but also by providing favourable financial conditions for talent development.
Dr. Simona Pilkienė, VMU Vice-Rector for Studies, stated that the idea to establish a fund for individuals from socially vulnerable groups and regions lacking access to equivalent education emerged following the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, many families faced financial difficulties, yet the state provided no assistance to help their children attain higher education. Therefore, since 2021, the university has maintained a scholarship fund to cover tuition fees for first-year students enrolled in non-state-funded bachelor’s and integrated study programmes.
“Based on the competitive scores and preparation for studies, students enrolled in non-state-funded programmes may have their tuition fully or partially covered for the entire duration of their studies. Scholarships are available to those who have enrolled in non-state-funded studies and who have chosen VMU as their top priority,” explains Dr. Pilkienė.
Dr. Simona Pilkienė, VMU Vice-Rector for Studies.
Dr. Pilkienė also noted that VMU did not discontinue this fund even after the pandemic. “We see many poignant stories where talented children from the regions face exclusion and cannot pursue higher education, so it’s heartening that we have finally persuaded politicians that such support is necessary. This year, a social dimension policy aimed at creating more favourable conditions for obtaining state funding is also being implemented, initiating what is known as the ‘second competitive queue’. This allows individuals from socially vulnerable groups and those with professional experience to compete for state funding in a smaller competitive queue,” the Vice-Rector elaborates.
Applicants eligible for the second competitive queue include those from very low-income families (entitled to social benefits), orphans and wards under the age of 25, individuals with a work capacity of 45% or less or with severe to moderate disabilities, as well as graduates of short-cycle studies and those with at least 24 months of practical experience (including military service).
“VMU was among the first in Lithuania to implement an Inclusive University policy, ensuring a culture of equality and non-discrimination, appropriately adapting study and work conditions, and enhancing the accessibility of studies. Furthermore, thanks to our Artes Liberales study concept, which views each student as a unique individual and allows for an individualized study plan, studies are designed according to individual needs, so I am confident that future students of the second competitive queue will find the best opportunities at Vytautas Magnus University,” says the Vice-Rector.
Scholarships for the most outstanding students
Dr. Pilkienė states that VMU contributes to talent development by awarding scholarships of up to €1000 to high school graduates who have achieved the highest academic results in the country. These scholarships are granted to first-year students upon admission to a state-funded place, provided they have scored at least 100 in one state exam and have a competitive score of no less than 9 (or 9.5 for programmes with an entrance examination), and have listed a VMU study programme as their top priority. Additionally, scholarships of €500 or €250 are awarded to first-year students who have a competitive score of no less than 8.5 or 8, respectively, and who have also listed a VMU study programme as their top priority on their list of preferences.
Artes Liberales 35th anniversary scholarship to reach up to €3500
This year, as VMU marks the 35th anniversary of the re-establishment of the University and the introduction of the Artes Liberales concept in Lithuania, the Vice-Rector for Studies has initiated the establishment of an Artes Liberales 35th Anniversary Scholarship. The scholarship, amounting to €3500, will be awarded to first-year students who have achieved scores of 100% in at least two state exams, have a competitive score of no less than 9 (or 9.5 for programmes with an entrance examination), have listed a VMU study programme as their top choice, and who submit an essay, creative project, or video on the topic “Artes Liberales studies – more than just a major.”
“During a recent international expert assessment, experts noted that the Artes Liberales studies at Vytautas Magnus University are distinguished by the highest level of student study individualisation and are unique within the context of higher education across Europe. Therefore, I have no doubt that the topic of Artes Liberales studies, from the perspective of a young person – a first-year student – will be presented in an interesting manner, taking into account global trends and, I believe, even visionarily, as our current understanding of ‘major’ will clearly evolve. And it’s interesting to see how a future student of this unique study system perceives it,” says Dr. Simona Pilkienė.
As the Vice-Rector explains, VMU conducts numerous activities for schoolchildren, aiming to introduce them to the Artes Liberales study system as early as possible and help reveal their talents through various study activities. The VMU school and class network includes more than 10 schools, where students have unique opportunities to experience the uniqueness of this study system. Additionally, there are the Pupils’ University, the Pupils’ Summer School, and many other activities that allow students to become familiar with the specifics of Artes Liberales studies, making it easier for them to present their creative works and apply for such a scholarship.
VMU students receive scholarships from business organisations and ministries
Business partners also contribute to the welfare of Vytautas Magnus University students. Dr. Simona Pilkienė explains that VMU students who have achieved good academic results and who are active are awarded nominal scholarships from patrons and business companies. “For example, those enrolling in agricultural or engineering programmes can, from their first year, apply for one-off or monthly scholarships from companies including UAB Nando, AB East West Agro, and UAB Scandagra, among others, or nominal scholarships from Ieva and Arnas Radzevičiai, Kazimiera Varnaitė-Masiokienė, and Jurgis Sirus,” says Dr. Pilkienė. She notes that these scholarships range from €150 per month to a one-off scholarship of €2500.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport awards scholarships of €375.5 to those enrolled in priority fields of study in pedagogy, while the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture offer scholarships of up to €250 for students in the fields of agriculture, engineering, and forestry.