Open Competition for University Fee Reductions | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Open Competition for University Fee Reductions

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has launched an open competition for university fee reductions for autumn semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The purpose of the competition is to achieve the mission of socially responsible university by reducing social exclusion, creating appropriate financial conditions for VMU students to be accommodated and (or) study (taking into account different social (material) situations, study results and (or) accommodation in the dormitory) and increasing engagement in the activities implemented by the University community, encouraging the choice to study at the University, promoting the pursuit of the highest academic achievements and active participation in the University activities.

Applications are open from September 2nd, 2024, to September 22nd, 2024. University fee reductions for autumn semester of the AY 2024/2025 may be granted at a rate of up to 100%. There are three different types of fee reductions:

  • SOCIAL TUITION FEE REDUCTION, and this reduction may be granted to students in full-time first and second cycle studies and integrated studies:
    • who are currently in a difficult social/financial situation or are Ukrainian refugees;
    • whose grade point average of the last semester (for first-year students – the admission score) is not less than 8 (eight).
  • TUITION FEE REDUCTION RELATED TO COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, and this reduction may be granted to students in full-time first and second cycle studies and integrated studies (only those in their second and subsequent semesters):
    • whose grade point average of the last semester is not less than 8 (eight);
    • who were actively engaged in research, artistic, sports, civic, and social activities at the University during the last semester.
  • ACCOMMODATION FEE REDUCTION, may be granted to students in full-time first, second, and third cycle studies and integrated studies who live in the dormitories of the University, taking into account:
    • the student’s difficult social/financial situation or are Ukrainian refugees;
    • the type of the dormitory or room in which the student lives (NOTE:Students who live in a single-occupancy dormitory room shall not be entitled to the Accommodation Fee Reduction).

University fee reductions may be granted in the following order of priority to:

  • orphans, students being no older than the age of 25 and for whom were granted custody or guardianship until adulthood or who have lost both of their parents (both of the parents have passed away);
  • students with disabilities;
  • students from families with three or more children, provided such children are minors, are studying in general education, or, being no older than the age of 25, are studying in a formal vocational training programme or at the higher education institution.
  • Ukrainian refugeesstudents who has official refugee status in Lithuania and their one or both parents are currently serving in the Ukrainian army, were killed during the war, or in the territory where their lived is in ongoing military action or it was occupied, also other difficult financial or social situation that students are facing now as a result of ongoing war in Ukraine.

If students want to apply to SOCIAL TUITION FEE REDUCTION or ACCOMMODATION FEE REDUCTION by the given the social (material) status, students must provide following documents for the competition:

  • orphans: original documents of the death certificates of your mother and father, with official translations to Lithuanian or English languages with the translator’s stamp attached;
  • students with disabilities: original document, which proves your disability with official translations to Lithuanian or English languages with the translator’s stamp attached;
  • students from the families with large number of children:
    • original certificate of family composition with official translations to Lithuanian or English languages with the translator’s stamp attached;
    • original documents / certificates from kindergartens/schools/universities and others education institutions which proves student or school pupil status with official translations to Lithuanian or English languages with the translator’s stamp attached.
  • Ukrainian refugees: document which proves Ukrainian refugee status in Lithuania and (optional) one of these documents:
    • document which proves that one or both parents are currently serving in the Ukrainian army;
    • one or both parents were killed during the war in Ukraine (death certificate);
    • document which indicates that student lived in a territory where now is ongoing military action or currently is occupied;
    • other documents, which indicates difficult financial or social situation, that students are facing now because of ongoing war in Ukraine.

If students want to apply to TUITION FEE REDUCTION RELATED TO COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, they must provide documents from the University units or organisations with university status that confirm their involvement in research, artistic, sports, civic, and/or social activities at the University during the last semester.

Students who are willing to apply for free exemptions, has to complete an electronic application form in Student self-service portal:

  • log in to the VMU Student self-service portal using your personal login provided by the University;
  • select the Applications in the menu box and click on the Requests button;
  • select the application category Fees exemptions and compensations, click Tuition / Accommodation fee exemption by the means of competition (form F-006), complete the form, attach (upload) documents, which prove social (financial) status of the family, together with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamps attached and submit it.

Applications are open from September 2nd2024, to September 22nd, 2024. Results of the open competition will be published by October 10th, 2024, by personally informing students about it by an email being sent to the VMU email address.

Tuition fee and accommodation fees exemptions shall be awarded by taking into account all the support granted for the student by VMU, awarded scholarships, granted exemptions and (or) size of the fees paid for the University and given the support and (or) scholarships awarded from the State budget funds, private legal or natural persons.

More information:

  • Student centre (Student Affairs department)
  • AddressK. Donelaičio g. 52-111, Kaunas
  • Phone(8 37) 751 175