A Digital Learning Platform for Generation Z: Passport to IFRS®. Multiplier Even

On February 2023, a Multiplier Event of Erasmus+ project was held at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), Lithuania within the framework of the activities executed for the PASSFR project. The Multiplier Event contributed to the dissemination of all intellectual outputs to stakeholders in Lithuania.
Participants included students and teachers from VMU, academics from the main Lithuania higher education institutions who are involved in IFRS (international financial reporting standard) training and teaching, as well as practitioners from accounting companies and other companies’ accountant. The participants were from different major business and universities in Lithuania, such as the Kaunas Technology University, Vilnius University, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Klaipėda Higher Education Institution, PwC Lithuania, Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service and other business company. The Multiplier Event was organized by VMU team: assoc. prof. dr. Erika Besuspariene, Aurelija Markelyte, Kristina Geseviciene, Jevgenija Furgasė, Silva Katutytė, Ieva Miseviciute, Edita Vitunskaite.
At the beginning of the event welcome speech was given by Faculty of Bioeconomy Development dean assoc. prof. dr. Bernardas Vaznonis. E. Besuspariene also welcomed the participants and made a general presentation of PASSFRS project. Then I. Miseviciute made the presentation of the results of the surveys and the principle based IFRS education model. J. Fugase showed the participants where to find the PASSFR website, discussed what will be posted on it, and shared a visualization of the PASSFR platform.
Visualization of the PASSFR platform
J. Furgase demonstrated the training material in the case of IAS 2 and showed a digitized video according to AIS 2.
Digitalization of IAS 2
S. Katutyte made the presentation of Case Studies e-book and multicultural PASSFR peer learning teams. Taking into account that small businesses in Lithuania usually apply national accounting standards, but local legislation allows them to apply IFRS, a speaker from PwC Lithuania Brigita Stepankevičienė was invited to share a business view on the importance of IFRS training and make presentation. The presentation on the importance of IFRS training from the view of business was made.
PwC Lithuania presentation
Finally an interactive PASSFR session, where K. Geseviciene presented the training material and case study fragments of IFRS 13, was held.
Examples of case study for interactive session
Afterwards, the participants together with K. Geseviciene solved the case analysis.
Interactive PASSFR session: Theory + case study
The event concluded by participants engaging into a very fruitful discussion about the implications and benefits of the project. All the stakeholders were very interested in the outcome of the project.