Academic and administrative staff of Uzbekistan visited VMU Agriculture Academy

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy Faculty of Bioeconomy Development is implementing the ERASMUS+ project „New Master‘s Degree Curricula for Sustainable Bioeconomy in Uzbekistan“ (2021-2024). Academic and administrative staff from Tashkent State Agricultural University and its branch in Samarkand, Tashkent State Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization, and Bukhara State University visited Faculty of Bioeconomy Development on June 6-11.
During the visit colleagues from Uzbekistan got acquainted with the laboratories and library of Agriculture Academy, visited a number of companies in the Lithuanian bioeconomy sector, such as “Allive Europe“,”Nuotekų valykla”, “Kauno Energija”, “Norvelita”, “Raseinių Žuvininkystė”, Audrone Ispiryan farm, Audrius Banionis farm, agricultural cooperative “Pienas LT”, got acquainted with the companies incubated in the business incubator of Agriculture Academy, met with the academic staff of VMU Agriculture Academy participating in this project.
These activities provided an opportunity for colleagues from Uzbekistan to learn about research and innovation in the bioeconomy sector, to acquire a better understanding of the implementation of the principles of bioeconomy and the circular economy in business organizations. In September, the implementation of the Master’s study programme in Bioeconomy will start at the universities of Uzbekistan, organizing the study process for 24 students.