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Exploring the Bioeconomy Landscape: Insights from the Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2024: Theory and Practice”

On May 8, the fourth online conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2024: Theory and Practice” took place at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). It was the 4th conference, held biannually by the VMU Faculty of Bioeconomy Development. This time, it was organized in cooperation with the Bioeconom...

Teachers from the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development visited the University of Warmia and Mazury in Poland.

In May 2024, from the 13th to the 18th, Associate Professors Dr. Anastasija Novikova and Dr. Erika Besusparienė had a unique opportunity to visit the University of Warmia and Mazury, carrying out an Erasmus+ teaching visit. During this visit, the teachers had the chance to share their knowledge and ...

Representatives of the VMU MBA “Customs Process Management” Participated in the 10th Conference of the Customs Practitioners Association

On 23-24 May, the 10th anniversary conference of the Customs Practitioners Association was held in Vilnius, bringing together representatives from business, academia, customs and other institutions. This year's conference focused on customs reform and its impact on customs systems, as well as digita...

Teachers of VMU Agriculture Academy visit to Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal)

The teachers of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy assoc. prof. dr. Midona Dapkienė (Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), prof. dr. Laima Česonienė and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Šileikienė (Department of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecol...

Visit under the “Erasmus+” programme for staff at Yerevan State University

During 6-10th May, assoc. prof. of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Bioeconomy Development assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Makutėnienė visited Yerevan State University in Armenia as a part of the "Erasmus+" programme for staff. She gave lectures on the topics of bioeconomy and...

SKILLS Multiplier Event

"SKILLS", namely "Strengthening Key Competences in Agriculture for Value Chain Knowledge" (2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000023289), is an Erasmus+ Project regarding “Cooperation partnerships in higher education”, coordinated by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of the Aegean, G...