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Additional Competition for International Studies and Internships

VMU International Cooperation Department invites all university students to use the opportunities to go abroad for study exchange or internship. Additional competition for Erasmus+ studies (in EU/EEA countries). You can apply for the competition until March 27th, 2023. Ongoing competitions for int...

Matlab and Data Analysis Class offer for PhD students

VMU doctoral students are invited to attend the Matlab and Data Analysis Class, which is organised by one of the Transform4Europe alliance’s partners: Saarland University in Germany. The class, which has received a lot of positive feedback, aims to introduce students to the data analysis software Ma...

A Digital Learning Platform for Generation Z: Passport to IFRS®. Multiplier Even

On February 2023, a Multiplier Event of Erasmus+ project was held at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), Lithuania within the framework of the activities executed for the PASSFR project. The Multiplier Event contributed to the dissemination of all intellectual outputs to sta...

Apply Now: Transform4Europe Business Plan Competition

VMU students and employees are invited to participate in the Transform4Europe Business Plan Competition. The winning team will be awarded 5,000 euros and three bursaries for attending the Entrepreneurial School in Trieste, Italy. All participants will be offered free classes on business planning and...

Apply for Transform4Europe Professional Development Training

The Transform4Europe alliance invites VMU employees to participate in professional development training webinars. The first webinars will be held on the 15th, 21st and 22nd of March. The webinars are dedicated to academic and non-academic staff. The Transform4Europe Alliance has developed various i...

Apply now: Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition. Turn the Adventure into an Experience!

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants. Application deadline is the 31st of March, 2023. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Recent graduate traineeship must end – in a year after graduation. Selection All VMU fulltime degree students who have not...