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Start of the Collaboration with a Top-quality Higher Education Institution in the Middle East – Jordan University of Science and Technology
From 8th to 12th of May associated professor Rytis Skominas from Faculty of Engineering, associated professor Bernardas Vaznonis and associated professor Gintarė Vaznonienė from Faculty of Bioeconomy Development visited Jordan University of Science and Technology under the programme ERASMUS+. Durin...

VMU Agriculture Academy Community Gained Knowledge from Foreign Teachers During the International Staff Week of the ERASMUS+ exchange Programme
The International Staff Week under the ERASMUS+ programme took place on May 2-6 at the Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy. 15 scientists from 8 countries got acquainted with the Academy, gave lectures to the community of VMU Agriculture Academy and participated in various activitie...

Lecture “Ukrainian agriculture in the conditions of war: current state and global challenges”
Vytautas Magnus university Agriculture academy community invited to participate in a public distance lecture "Ukrainian agriculture in the conditions of war: current state and global challenges", on May 17th 6 p.m. Lecture dr. habil. Vitalii Dankevych, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Public Administrat...

An event “Languages for Brunch” will take place in Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
A special event, "Languages for Brunch" will take place at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy Campus. The participants of the event will learn Bulgarian, Estonian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Spanish and Ukrainian by playing a game as well as receive prizes for active participat...

Online course on „Introduction to Novel Optimization Methods in Economics“
You are welcome to attend the course „Introduction to Novel Optimization Methods in Economics“, which will be held online on 23-27 May, 2022. Course content The course is an introduction to novel optimization methods (linear and fuzzy linear optimization, genetic and memetic algorithms, swarm theo...