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VMU Is Among the 350 Best in Agriculture in the World University Rankings by Subject
For the first time, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) was included in QS World University Rankings by Subject, where the world’s best universities are evaluated according to individual subject areas. VMU’s results in the field of Agriculture and Forestry were ranked the best; namely, in this subject ...

Greetings to VMU Graduates
Due to the global situation of COVID-19, the annual VMU diploma award ceremony has been moved to June 2021 hoping that the new graduates will be able to share the joy of this special occasion lively with all participants of the celebration and warmly say goodbye to their Alma Mater. VMU Rector Prof...

2nd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”
We are pleased to invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”, which will be held online on 20-21 May 2021. The conference is organised by the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Vytautas Magnus University Agricult...

10th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change”
We kindly invite You to the 10th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change”, which will take place in Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (Lithuania), 21-23 September, 2021. This conference is aimed at providin...

Happy Holidays
Our Dearest, On the eve of the great holidays of the year, we all remember what the most important happened. The greatest miracles are in our hearts, heads, and hands. In the New Year I wish You to find hope, believe in Your abilities, achieve Your goals and keep interested! Astrida Miceikienė ...

Analysis and experimentation of ecosystems newsletter, December 2020
Foreword by Michel Boër, AnaEE DG Dear readers, 2020, the year of the coronavirus outbreak and the global sanitary crisis, is coming to its end and should be considered as a wake-up call. As pointed in the last IPBES report, prevention is better than cure; critical knowledge gaps have to be closed...