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The visit in Warsaw University of Life Science
Assoc. professor dr. Jurgita Kulaitienė and lecturers dr. Nijolė Vaitkevičienė and dr. Dovilė Levickienė (Institute of Agriculture and Food Science, Faculty of Agronomy) visited the Warsaw University of Life Science in Poland on 7–11 October, 2019 under the Erasmus+ training and teaching exchange pr...

Presentation of study opportunities at VMU the Agricultural Academy to Kazakhstan’s audience (Kazakhstan, Almata)
Vice deans responsible for studies of VMU Agriculture Academy assoc. prof. A. Adamavičienė (Faculty of Agronomy) and lect. A. Stiklienė (Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) with the financial support of the project “Raising the Awareness and Prestige of Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions i...

Visit to knowledge day and brokerage event „Horizon 2020 – Science with and for Society 2020“
Lecturer dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė from Bioeconomy Development Faculty, Business and Rural Development Research Institute and the Head of Agriculture Academy Museum has visited knowledge day and brokerage event „Horizon 2020 - Science with and for Society 2020“ in Warsaw, Poland (on the 14th and the 15t...

VMU Agriculture Academy representatives attended education fairs in Kazakhstan
Vice deans of VMU Agriculture Academy assoc. prof. Tatjana Sankauskenė and assoc. prof. Edvardas Vaiciukevičius with the financial support of the project "Raising the Awareness and Prestige of Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan, Promoting Studies in Lithuania" NR. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-7...

At Polish Hydropower Conference 2019
On 9-10 October 2019 prof. Petras Punys, dr. Egidijus Kasiulis, MSc Linas Šilinis and PhD student Linas Jurevičius from Institute of Water Resources Engineering together with assoc. prof. Algirdas Radzevičius from Institute of Hydraulic Engineering participated in 9th Polish Hydropower Conference HY...

Presentation of scientific research results in the international scientific conference in Lisbon
Researchers of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, Research Institute for Bioeconomy professor V. Vitunskienė, associate professor D. Makutėnienė, lector N. Ramanauskė and PhD student E. Besusparienė participated in the 29th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) international scientific c...