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Teaching visit in the Palermo University by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program
Professor Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor Antanas Juostas from Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited the University of Palermo (UNIPA) the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF) by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program (Staff Mobility for Teaching). Univer...

Visit to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AUSTRIA
Kęstutis Navickas professor of the Institute of Energy and Biotechnology Engineering institute (faculty of Agricultural Engineering) visited Institute for Environmental Biotechnology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria) in the period of 07-11.10.2019. During this visit...

ERASMUS+ teaching visit in East Sarajevo University and attendance in Symposium
Lecturer Otilija Miseckaite (Institute of the Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Water and Land Management) with the support by Erasmus+ teaching programme visited East Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina. She presented the lectures and the possibilities for exchanges studies ...

Researchers Erasmus visit at University of East Sarajevo
Assoc. prof. dr. Anastasija Novikova from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Šileikienė from the Institute of Environment and Ecology visited the University of East Sarajevo during the 30 of September – 4 of October. They met the main representatives from the Internatio...

Visit to Slovakian Agriculture University in Nitra
Prof. Astrida Miceikienė from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy (Faculty of Bioeconomy development) visited Slovakian agriculture university in Nitra on 30/09/2019 – 04/10/2019. She came to this University for teaching visit and participated in the celebration of 60th anniversary of the foundati...

Training visit to Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and attendance in the international conference
In September 16-20, 2019 professors PhD Algirdas Jasinskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering) and Kęstutis Romaneckas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy) visited Czech University of Life Sciences Prague according ...