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The visit to Cady Ayyad was organized as a result of close cooperation while preparing, consulting and leading to Master thesis defence students from Cady Ayyad university. The topics of Master students‘ thesis were linked with the development of cultural communication competence and foreign languag...

Visit of tear of Agriculture academy to university of Novi Sad (Serbia)

The teachers of Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University prof. dr. Laima Česonienė (Institute of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) and assoc. prof. Midona Dapkienė (Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Water and Land Management) visited University of...

Conference at Brenna Poland

On June 6-7 2019 assoc. prof. Jolita Greblikaite and lecturer Rolandas Rakstys (VMU Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Bioeconomy) were participating at 8th International Scientific conference  „New trends in management and production engineering - regional, cross-border and global perspectives” at Bre...

Visit to the International Tourism Congress (Spain)

Lecturer dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė, from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of Business and Rural Development Research Institute, visited the 22nd International Tourism Congress „Tourism is you: the value of people“, the Congress held in Castellon (Spain), on the 22th and 23h of May 2019. Dr. Rasa Prans...

Presentation of research results at the international conference “Pushing Regions beyond their Borders” in Spain

Assoc. prof. dr. Gintarė Vaznonienė from Business and Rural Development Research Institute and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of bioeconomy development assoc. prof. dr. Bernardas Vaznonis attended the international scientific conference "Pushing Regions beyond their Borders" (organized by the Regional Stu...

„R1 Lietuva“ Scholarship Competition for VMU Students

For a third year in a row, Vytautas Magnus University is cooperating with „R1 Lietuva“ to offer seven one-time scholarships of 200 EUR to third/fourth year BA or first/second year MA students with higher academic achievements (grade average for the previous semester must be 9 or higher) and strong i...