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Secondment in the University of Helsinki

Lector Erika Besuparienė from Research Institute for Bioeconomy participated in University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Foresty, Departement of Economics and Management on 3-7 of June, 2019. The main aim of training was the development of skills about innovative methods and software of ag...

Training visit at Centre for Biorobotics

On 27-31 May 2019 junior researcher Egidijus Kasiulis from Institute of Water Resources Engineering at Faculty of Water and Land Management visited Centre for Biorobotics at Tallinn University of Technology with Erasmus+ training visit. During the visit E. Kasiulis met with Environmental Sensing and...

Secondment in the Russian State Agrarian University

Professor Jonas Čaplikas, PhD, of VMU Agriculture Academy, Business and Rural Development Research Institute, visited the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K. A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy through ERASMUS + program from the 13th to the 17th of May. During the visit, the professor gave ...

„20th Cambridge Heritage Symposium: Cooking Identities and Tasting Memories: The Heritage of Food“

Lecturer from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of Business and Rural Development Research Institute dr. Rasa Pranskuuuniene visited CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY (UK) and attended „20th Cambridge Heritage Symposium: Cooking Identities and Tasting Memories: The Heritage of Food“ during  9 – 11 of  May 2019....

Visit In The Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

Prof. Astrida Miceikienė from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy (Faculty of Bioeconomy development) visited Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. She came to this University for teaching visit and  to participate in the International week. Astrida Miceikienė taught master students on the t...

Visit In The Bialystok University Of Technology under the ERASMUS programme

Lecturers from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of Business and Rural Development Research Institute doc. dr. Lina Marcinkeviciute  and  lector Jolanta Vilkeviciute visited BIALYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY under the ERASMUS programme during  6 - 10 of  May 2019 . Bialystok University of Techn...