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BSR Counsil Workshop On Bioeconomy
VMU Academy of Agriculture assoc proc. dr. Jolita Greblikaite was participating at BSR Counsil Workshop on Bioeconomy organised on 9-10 May in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the meeting representatives from The Ministry of Agiculture were participating as well. It just emphasizes the importance of bioecono...

Visit Of Teachers Of Agriculture Academy To Polytechnic Institute Of Beja (Portugal)
The teachers of Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University prof. dr. Laima Česonienė (Institute of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) and assoc. prof. Midona Dapkienė (Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Water and Land Management) visited Polytechnic I...

Secondment to Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
In May 1-3, associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences Jurgita Kulaitienė, lecturer Nijole Vaitkevičienė and Dovilė Levickienė, pHd students Dalė Televičiūtė and Aloyzas Velička from Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy, visited Latvia...

Visit in the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology
Professor Danutė Zinkevičienė and assoc. prof. Aurelija Kustienė from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy visited the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology in Jelgava on May 6–10, 2019 within the frame of Erasmus+ program (Staff mobility for teaching).The Latvia University of Life Scie...

ERASMUS teaching visits to partners at South-Eastern Asia
ERASMUS credit mobility visits of assoc. prof. dr. Raimundas Rukuiža at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand on 18-22/02/2019 and at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia on 22-26/04/2019 were important intensifying the ERASMUS exchange of Agriculture Academy o...

Visit in the Cadi Ayyad University at Marakesh, Morocco
On April 29- May 3 Vytautas Mahnus University Academy of Agriculture lecturers assoc. Prof. Jolita Greblikaite and Rolandas Rakstys were visiting Cadi Ayyad University at Marakesh, Morocco. During the visit under Erasmus+ programme lecturers provided knowledge to students in the themes of SMEs and s...