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Visit for short teaching assignment to Pristina University, Republic of Kosovo
Professor Petras Punys (Institute of Water Resources Engineering) on 22nd – 27th April, 2019 within the frame of Erasmus + program (Staff mobility for teaching) visited the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Republic of Kosovo. This univers...

ALTERFOR project meeting in Padova, Italy
On April 3-6 professor Gintautas Mozgeris from the Institute of Forest Management and Wood Science and lecturer Ekaterina Makrickiene from the Institute of Forest Biology and Silviculture attended the annual meeting of the „ALTERFOR“ project consortium, which took place in Padova, Italy. ALTERFOR...

Visit to Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon
On 7–13 April 2019, the staff team of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) visited Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon, under the ERASMUS+ programme. VMU team included assoc. prof. Rytis Skominas from the Faculty of Water and Land Management, assoc. prof. Bernardas Vaznonis from the Faculty...

Visit to the Khmelnitsky National University
Professor Juozas Padgurskas (Institute of the Transport and Machinery Engineering) visited Khmelnitsky on 07 – 13 of April. Khmelnitsky National University ( ) – is the largest higher educational institution in Podolia region (west – central a...

Studies and practice opportunities under the ERASMUS program
You still have a chance to go for studies or traineeship to other European countries in frame of ERASMUS programme ! Not miss Your chance (deadline is 10 May) Students will get ERASMUS grant The studied subjects will be recognised at the return to our university No sanction ...

Erasmus+ project “Therapeutic effects of apitherapy in higher education” [Be(e) Therapy]
The 4th meeting of Erasmus+ project “Therapeutic effects of apitherapy in higher education” [Be(e) Therapy] took place in Nitra (Slovakia) on 1-2 of April. The project is coordinated by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey). Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy as well as Adnan Mender...