Ass. Prof. Dr. Antonio Comparetti visited VMU AA for Erasmus+ training, strengthening research cooperation and promoting mobility between Lithuania and Sicily | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Ass. Prof. Dr. Antonio Comparetti visited VMU AA for Erasmus+ training, strengthening research cooperation and promoting mobility between Lithuania and Sicily

Within Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement between University of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) and Vytautas Magnus University, Antonio Comparetti, Associate Professor of the University of Palermo – Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences and Departmental coordinator of this agreement, visited again Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), from Monday 22 to Monday 29 July 2024.

During his mobility period, he carried out the following training activities, according to Erasmus+ Agreement Staff Mobility for Training:

  • visit of Laboratory of Fertilizer Spreading Machines, guided by Prof. Egle Jotautiene;
  • visit of Laboratory of Crop Sprayers, guided by Prof. Egle Jotautiene;
  • visit of Laboratory of Progressive Agricultural Engineering, guided by Prof. Egle Jotautiene;
  • visit of Laboratory of Agricultural Machines Technological Process Research, guided by Prof. Egle Jotautiene and the PhD student Andrius Grigas (whose supervisor is Prof. Dainius Steponavicius);
  • visit of Biogas Laboratory, guided by Prof. Kestutis Navickas;
  • visit of Environmental Research Laboratory and Laboratory of Chemical and Biochemical Research for Environmental Technology, guided by Prof. Laima Cesoniene and the Junior researcher Dr. Kiril Kazancev;
  • visit of Water Engineering Laboratory, guided by Lecturer Raimundas Baublys.

During his mobility period, Prof. Antonio Comparetti also strengthened the profitable and friendly research cooperation between University of Palermo and Vytautas Magnus University, as well as he promoted student and staff mobility between the two involved institutions, within the above Erasmus+ agreement.


Visit of Laboratory of Fertilizer Spreading Machines: test bench for fertiliser spreading and centrifugal fertiliser spreader for spatially variable rate application of granular biofertilisers.

Visit of Laboratory of Crop Sprayers: wind tunnel used for studying the spraying of herbicide or pesticide mixture.

Visit of Laboratory of Progressive Agricultural Engineering: VERIS Multi Sensor Platform, MSP 3150, used for measuring and mapping apparent soil Electrical Conductivity (EC), soil organic matter and pH.

Visit of Laboratory of Agricultural Machines Technological Process Research: test bench used for growing Hydroponic Wheat Fodder (HWF), in presence of Andrius Grigas, Antonio Comparetti and Egle Jotautiene (from left to right).

Visit of Biogas Laboratory: vertical minidigesters (left) and horizontal biodigester (right) used for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process.

Visit of Laboratory of Chemical and Biochemical Research for Environmental Technology, in presence of Antonio Comparetti (left) and Kiril Kazancev (right).

Visit of Water Engineering Laboratory: river basin model for forecasting erosion, sedimentation and river meander development.