Assistant K. Gesevičienė shared her scientific experience at the University of Agriculture in Kraków and discussed the possibilities of university cooperation | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Assistant K. Gesevičienė shared her scientific experience at the University of Agriculture in Kraków and discussed the possibilities of university cooperation

On March 22-25, Kristina Gesevičienė, an assistant at the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy went on a teaching visit to the University of Agriculture in Kraków, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, when participating at Erasmus+ Staff mobility for teaching program. The intended objectives were achieved during the mobility, i.e. shared the experience in the field of dissertation research – the impact assessment of the effectiveness of environmental subsidies – and during the meeting with researchers from the host university the possibilities of institutional cooperation between Vytautas Magnus University and the University of Agriculture in Kraków in the field of joint research and projects were discussed.

According to K. Gesevičienė, the teaching mobility helped me to acquire new competencies in international cooperation and improved professional teaching skills.