Building networks for the future starts | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Building networks for the future starts

Vice dean of Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology dr. Aida Stiklienė and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Šileikienė from the Institute of Environment and Ecology visited the University of Applied sciences (AERES) during the 02 – 06 of December. At the beginning of training mobility was visit to university, to Agri Innovation Centre and meeting in International Cooperation Department. During International visit we met participants from more than 15 countries and colleagues of Aeres. Participants shared their experience of billaterial study changes, and discussed the possibilities of future study collaboration during the meetings. dr. Aida Stiklienė and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Šileikienė visited the main laboratories of animals welfare, greenhouses of Aeres.