Competition for Traineeship at non-EU Countries | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Competition for Traineeship at non-EU Countries

VMU students are invited to participate in competition for traineeship at non-EU countries with VMU Mobility scholarship.

Students have to submit completed online application form (Application form for traineeship in non-EU/EEE countries) until 30th of April 2022.

Selection criteria:

  • traineeship compatibility with Study programme at VMU;
  • confirmation from hosting organization for acceptance into traineeship programme;
  • motivation;
  • results of studies or research during the last two semesters (for VMU Mobility scholarship GPA should be no less than 8.0);
  • good knowledge of language in which traineeship will be commenced.

Traineeship period should end no later than 2022-08-31.

Students will be personally informed via e-mail about the results till 15th of May.

Note, traineeships with VMU Mobility scholarship are only for students. Recent graduates can no longer participate in this programme.

Selected students will receive VMU Mobility scholarship. Eligible countries and number of scholarships:

 VMU Mobilitity scholarship

Group of countries[1] Duration of Traineeship Number of scholarships Scholarship
Countries of regions: South Asia, East Asia and Pacific; Middle East; North America; Latin America & the Caribbean 1 – 3 months 10 650 Eur/month
Countries of regions: Europe and Central Asia; North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa 1 – 3 months 550 Eur/month


More information about traineeship programme:

  • Tomas Mickevičius (International Cooperation department)
  • AddressV. Putvinskio g. 23 room 208, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Phone8 37 327 987


