Diplomas of the VMU Agriculture Academy Awarded to the Graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty   | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Diplomas of the VMU Agriculture Academy Awarded to the Graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty  

At the graduation ceremony on 28 January, the graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty at the VMU Agriculture Academy were awarded with the Bachelor and Master degree diplomas certifying successful completion of their studies. Despite the ongoing restrictions related to the pandemic management, such as maintaining safe distance, wearing the face masks, they did not spoil the sincere wishes expressed by the teachers or the sparkle in the graduates’ eyes upon successful achievement of another important milestone and result in their lives.

The event host and the coordinator for research and project activities of the Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Anastasija Novikova, passed the words of congratulations to the graduates from Prof. Dr Juozas Augutis, Rector of VMU to the graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty who had successfully completed the first-cycle full- or part-time studies in Accounting and Finance, first-cycle full-time studies in Logistics and Trade, second-cycle full-time studies in Business Logistics: “The diploma award ceremony is a special event. This moment encompasses a lot of components: the determination and presistence throughout the years, occassional feeling of uncertainty or inconfidence and, finally, the victory accompanied by the excitement of the new milestone and new step.”

According to the Rector, the time span spent at the University made the young people stronger, more educated, provided more knowledge and colors to their lives. “As you are about to step into the new stage of life, taken a moment to look back at the path you’ve made and celebrate own persistence, determination, and patience. And then go further into the future with the new strength and enthusiasm. Today, I would like to wish you all to be brave and open with the strong foundation you have built. Always remember that the doors of Vytautas Magnus University are and always will be open to you”, – the Rector shared with the graduates.

According to Prof. Dr. Astrida Miceikiene, Chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy, graduation from a University is one of the most exciting moments in one’s life. “A degree or diploma is not just a paper. It is the acknowledgement that hard work has brought the results, and you can head into the future on the wings of science. This is a great academic achievement! The diploma is your ticket to better opportunities in life, and you should cherish it”, – the Chancellor wished this to all the graduates and encouraged them to return to the University for Master, PhD studies and become active members of the Agriculture Academy Alumni club.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bernardas Vaznonis, Dean of the Bioeconomy Development Faculty, and Algirdas Grybauskas, Head of Transport Sector at Kesko Senukai Lithuania, UAB, wished the graduates courage in assuming responsibility and a successful career path.

Simona Domarkaitė, graduate from the fist-cycle, full-time studies in Logistics and Trade, expressed gratitude to all the former teachers, administrative staff, and peers on behalf of the graduates for the encouragement, support and time spent together meaningfully and amicably together. She noted that there were no such thing as former members of the academic community, as this was the life-time membership. Simona was awarded with the diploma Cum Laude for the remarkable learning outcomes issued by the Order of the VMU Rector.