During the summer school course “My First Start-up 2022” students created business plans

At the end of June and beginning of July Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VDU AA) prof. dr. Jan Žukovskis from the Department of Business and Rural Development Management of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development organized the summer school course “My First Start-Up” for the second consecutive year.
This course was one of the initiatives of the lecturers of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, aiming to attract foreign partners to cooperate and share the experience of organizing studies in the field of business development. The aim of the course was to familiarize students with the methodology of business plan and budget preparation and to help them prepare their own plan according to their formulated business idea.
This year the course was conducted remotely. It was attended by 16 students from various foreign universities: seven students from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW, Poland), four students from the Polissia National University (Ukraine), two students from the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), one each from the Czestochowa University of Technology and WSB University from Poland. Also, this year lithuanian Domas Grigaliūnas, who studied at Manchester University in England, joined the participants and presented a very practical and innovative “Digital supervision” business idea.
Such courses provide an excellent opportunity for participants to make useful acquaintances, share various ideas, communicate and improve their presentation skills in English. The first feedback from the students about the course was positive, and their projects was very practical and likely to have continuity when organizing a “real” business in the future. The most interesting and advanced projects should be noted: “Trade in organic agricultural products” (by Marta Zielińska), “Production and trade of frozen products” (by Jakub Jurczak, Maciej Sobota), “Production of candles from soy” (by Anita Bazyluk, Diana Dąbek). One among the best project in terms of design was the project “Vegetarian and vegan restaurant” (by Angelika Buchta, Jakub Czyżewski). Two projects were related to psychological counseling (Natalia Radomska, Michał Celmer), including those who suffered from the war in Ukraine (Olha Zaharchuk, Yaroslava Fischuk). Ukrainian students Oleksandr Zarichnyi and Vladyslav Khrapko prepared a paper on Trade of watches, and Oliwia Ślusarczyk and Anna Strzelczyk presented a project on the Ecological information collection and search system “Green coach”.
The organizers of the courses are grateful to the representatives of foreign university partners for their help in attracting students and participating in the final presentation of the project. Special thanks go to the professors of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – prof. Iwona Pomianek, prof. Joanna Rakowska and prof. Dariusz Gozdowski – who sent the largest group of course listeners. The organizers are very grateful for the Polissia National University, lecturer assoc. dr. Mariia Plotnikova and the Rector of the university prof. Oleg Skydan, who invited students to participate in these international summer school courses. Many thanks to the professor of Częstochowa University of Technology and WSB University dr. Paula Pyplacz and to the Head of Human Resource Management study programs from the University of Silesia in Katowice prof. Dorota Chudy-Hyski. They both are sending their best students to this course for the second year.
VMU AA prof. dr. J. Žukovskis hopes that next year the course will be able to take place not only remotely, but also directly in Lithuania.
Prof. dr. Jan Žukovskis
VMU Agriculture Academy