Education Fairs in Kazakhstan

In March 10–16 associated professor Rytis Skominas from the Faculty of Water and Land Management and professor Audrius Gargasas from the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development participated in Education fairs in Kazakhstan under the project „Increasing the Recognition and Prestige of Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan and Promotion of Studies in Lithuania” (09.3.1-ESFA-V-709-01-0001). The project is funded by the European Social Fund Agency.
The education fairs were organized in two cities of Kazakhstan: in Shymkent and Almaty. The education fair in Shymkent was well-attended with participants who had an interest to study in Lithuania. During the fair Rytis Skominas made a presentation about study possibilities in Vytautas Magnus University. The Education fair in Almaty where divided into two parts: in the morning participants were introduced about the studies in Lithuania and after the lunch was a meeting with Kazakhstan universities. During the meeting were discussed about student exchange possibilities and double diploma.
After the Education fair in Shymkent were visited the Nazarbayev Intellectual School. The delegates from Lithuania had a possibility to meet the pupils and to introduce them with study programs in Vytautas Magnus University and in Kaunas Technology University.
At the end of the visit Rytis Skominas and Andrius Gargasas also visited Kazakh National Agrarian University and Eurasian Technological University. During the meetings were discussed about the collaboration in study and research fields.