“Erasmus+” teaching mobility visit in the University of Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

“Erasmus+” teaching mobility visit in the University of Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) professor dr. Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor dr. Antanas Juostas from Department of Agricultural Engineering and Safety at the Faculty of Engineering visited the University of Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat (ALKU).

ALKU aims to provide qualified higher education in an international learning environment.  ALKU has eight faculties (Business, Engineering, Medicine, Education, Tourism, Sport Sciences, Health Sciences, Dentistry), three graduate schools (Sciences, Social Sciences, Health Sciences) and five vocational schools. The University offers variety of associate degree, undergraduate and graduate programs. With approximately 8000 students, the University has been growing rapidly since its establishment.

Professor dr. E. Jotautienė and assoc. professor dr. A. Juostas presented study programs and possibilities of “Erasmus+” mobility in VMU, and lectures on topic “Innovative technologies in agrimachinery”. During visiting ALKU time were taken to participate in International Congress on Sustainable Devopment in the Human Enviroment-Current and Future Challenges, where two presentations were presented: “Innovative technologies for safe food production and costs saving” in the plenery section and “Data Analysis of the Grain Harvester Remote Monitoring System Towards the Sustainable Development of Agriculture”. Professor Eglė Jotautienė was chairmen of the section in the Congress.

Prof. dr. Eglė Jotautienė