ERASMUS teaching visits to partners at South-Eastern Asia

ERASMUS credit mobility visits of assoc. prof. dr. Raimundas Rukuiža at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand on 18-22/02/2019 and at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia on 22-26/04/2019 were important intensifying the ERASMUS exchange of Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU-AA) with South-Eastern Asia countries. The partners of those teaching visits were dr. Sutatch Ratanaphan from the KMUTT Faculty of Engineering and dr. Edy Hartulistiyoso from IPB Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The teacher assoc. prof. dr. R.Rukuiža of VMU-AA Faculty of Agricultural Engineering presented for KMUTT and IPB students the lectures in the field of tribology. The presentation of VMU-AA and the possibilities for exchanges studies at VMU-AA were made. In the lesson were made introduction to the tribology subject, its perception, trends and importance. For materials science engineering speciality were presented basic principles of tribology: interaction of surfaces, friction and wear of joints, lubrication and lubricants. In following lessons were presented the specialised part of tribology – Methodology and equipment of tribological testing.