“ERASMUS+” training courses at Europass Teacher Academy in Florence

On 05 – 10 December 2022, assoc. prof. dr. Jurgita Kulaitienė, assoc. prof. dr. Nijolė Vaitkevičienė and lecturer dr. Dovilė Levickienė of the Department of Plant Biology and Food Sciences from Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), Faculty of Agronomy, were participating in the courses “There Is an App for That! Exploring the Best Apps for Teaching and Student Learning” that were held at Europass Teacher Academy in Florence (Italy).
In these courses, teaching staff from Croatia, Spain, Germany, Greece, and Lithuania were attended.
During the courses, teachers used different educational apps in class. These apps allow structure information, to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. They acquainted with the most popular and practical educational apps for teaching and student learning across a wider range of subjects. Teachers learned how to properly integrate these apps in the classroom as a tool to support their learning.
As well as, the visit has given an opportunity to work on English language and to know their history, culture and people.