Projects | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija



International projects

  •  Holistic assessment of agro-ecological measures (HEAL). AGROECOLOGY, 2025 – 2028 m.
    Project leader: Dr Daniel Neuhoff (Germany). Implementers of the project: Prof. dr. Vaclovas Bogužas (Chief reasercher of BioTEC), Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Romaneckas, Dr. Lina Skinulienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juratė Aleinikovienė, PhD student Austėja Švereikaitė. Other project partners’ research teams will be led by Dr. Kirsi Järvenranta (Finland), Prof. Fátima Gonçalves (Portugal), Dr Ciaran Hearn (Ireland), Prof. Evelin Loit-Harro (Estonia).
  • Safe wheat agriculture towards sustainable health: innovative sensing techniques, and holistic spectroscopy traceability for improved soil, plant health and safe wheat grain (WHEATWATCHER). Horizon Europe, 2024-2028 m. 
    In a world grappling with complex global challenges such as population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation, ensuring security, sustainability, and food safety is paramount. Agricultural practices and food production processes are integral to public health, economic stability, and societal well-being. However, conventional approaches have often operated in isolation, limiting our understanding and hindering scalability. The WHEATWATCHER initiative seeks to break these barriers by uniting soil health monitoring, plant health assessment, and food traceability through a cutting-edge digital soil monitoring system. This system assesses soil nutrition, chemical, and biological factors impacting wheat grains from field growth to flour production, spanning multiple European regions. By actively involving stakeholders, including farmers, mill proprietors, and policymakers, WHEATWATCHER tailors its solution to practical needs. It leverages diverse sensor technologies, advanced machine learning models, and automated mapping techniques to boost efficiency and scalability. A Decision Support System and cloud platform ensure accessible insights. At its core, a machine learning model seamlessly integrates technologies, creating a cohesive solution that bridges the gaps between soil health, plant health, and food traceability. WHEATWATCHER aims to foster harmony between sensing technologies, data processing, and stakeholder engagement, revolutionizing comprehensive monitoring.
    Coordinator of the project: prof. dr. Abdul Mouazen (Gent universitety, Belgium). Project leader (Vytautas Magnus University part): prof. dr. Egidijus Šarauskis (Chief researcher of the BioTEC). Project implementers: prof. dr. Zita Kriaučiūnienė (Scientific head of the BioTEC), junior researcher dr. Marius Kazlauskas.
    Coordinating institution: 1. Gent University, Ugent (Belgium), Partners: 2. Hahn-Schickard, HS (Germany), 3. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW (Switzerland), 4. Exobotic Technologies, ET (Belgium), 5. Tel-Aviv University, TAU (Israel), 6. Weizmann Institute of Science, WIS (Israel), 7. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CZU (Czech Republic), 8. GFZ Potsdam, GFZ (Germany), 9. Walloon Agricultural Research Center, CRA-W (Belgium), 10. Rostock University, RU (Germany), 11. MTÜ Põllukultuuride klaster, MTUPK (Estonia), 12. S. AMOIRAS – D.BARDAKIDIS OE, ENA (Greece), 13. Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, IUNG (Poland), 14. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, VMU (Lithuania). Webpage: WHEATWATCHER – Digitally monitored soil and crop health