Final TRAPEZIUM event. Free and open

We kindly invite You to the final “Trapezium” event.
It is a final event of the project with the introduction of the creative results to the local community. A pinhole photography exhibition and a premiere viewing of the shorts will be on the evening’s agenda.
Main guest of the event – alternative music performer Aistė Lasytė.
Event is free of charge and open to the public.
Trapezium comes into being in Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) Building III (“Aquarium”), Universiteto str. 10, Akademija.
Audiovisual arts project TRAPEZIUM aims at revealing extra-ordinary, unexpected or somewhat clotted under the everyday errands accents of contemporary Akademija by applying creative workshops of pinhole photography and experimental short film. The project sought to actively involve the local youths, as well as the international VMU AA students into the workshops, so that their conveyed multicultural perspectives and openness could enable one to look at Akademija in its quest for identity anew.
Organizer: ECC Akademija leisure hall
Partners: VMU AA, VMU UKG
Project financed by: Lithuanian Council for Culture, Kaunas regional Municipality
Contacts: phone +37064629602, email (Sandra).
“Facebook” event: Trapecija atgyja I Trapezium comes into being | Facebook