Graduation diplomas were awarded to graduates of the VMU AA Faculty of Bioeconomy Development

On January 27 at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), a group of graduates of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development were ceremoniously awarded with diplomas of graduation from bachelor’s and master’s studies. During the ceremony, the representatives of VMU and VMU AA administration, teachers, social partners and relatives wished the young professionals starting a new phase of life a successful career path. Those leaving the Alma Mater spared the words of thanks to all those who raised them, gave them knowledge and showed them the right direction in life.
The Rector of VMU, prof. habil. dr. Juozas Augutis said that he has no doubt that a successful university graduation opens the way for young professionals to seek new knowledge. “In today’s world, we cannot talk about the end of studies, because Europe, the world, the social environment, technologies are changing very rapidly. Therefore, learning new things and a new approach is and will be necessary all the time. It is really impossible to learn everything that future work and life will require just in the year of study”, – said the rector, noting that in the current demographic situation, the state needs youth more than ever.
According to the rector, young people today do not have the luxury of postponing jobs for the future. “Let’s roll up our sleeves and go to work in Lithuania”, – prof. dr. J. Augutis quoted the founders of the state of Lithuania in 1918, wishing success to the graduates who acquired the professions most necessary for creating the future of a sustainable state at the Faculty of Bioeconomy at VMU AA.
Congratulating the graduates on the occasion of graduation, the chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy, prof. dr. Astrida Miceikienė said that graduating from university is one of the most wonderful events in a person’s life. “A degree or diploma is not just a document. It is an acknowledgment that hard work has paid off and you can fly into the future on the wings of science. This is an amazing academic achievement! A diploma is your ticket to better opportunities, so cherish it”, – wished the chancellor, inviting the graduates to return to the university for master’s and doctoral studies and to become active members of the graduate club “ŽŪA alumni”.
The dean of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, assoc. prof. dr. Bernardas Vaznonis, social partner of VMU AA UAB “Kesko Senukai Lithuania” infrastructure director, commander of 208 Kaišiadorių rifle company Algirdas Grybauskas, president of VMU Students’ Representative Council Ieva Vengrovskaja wished the graduates the courage to take responsibility and a successful career.
On behalf of the graduates, Ikbol Makhsumov, a graduate of the Logistics and Commerce study program, thanked the teachers, VMU AA administration staff and fellow students for the encouragement, support and meaningful time spent together. He said that the year of study was a wonderful, challenging journey that provided great opportunities for self-realization. The graduate of VMU AA said that no one else can follow his path than a person himself. However, a person makes his own decisions about which way to go. “So everyone have a good trip!”, – wished I. Makhsumov to his fellow students.