Higher education didactics for sustainability

Inland Norway University is offering an international course in: Higher education didactics for sustainability. The course is online and available for free.
The target group is educators within higher education.
Registration deadline: 8 December
Course start: 20 January
The course offers:
- 9 webinars of ca. 1 hour each
- 4 discussion seminars
- Participants are organised in project-based learning groups that will have their own collaboration meetings.
Higher education didactics for sustainability (HEDS251)
- ONLINE Internationally PBL – Project-based learning in groups,
- 20th of January to 29th of April of 2024., (Hours of commitment: 80)
- sola.kau.se
- Content
- The course advances understanding of pedagogical frameworks like Education for Sustainability (EFS) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), by fostering a collaborative and collective learning environment that combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples. Through literature, discussions, and group work, you’ll explore how these frameworks can be effectively implemented in your educational settings.
- The course contains four modules:
- Making Sense of Sustainability: Explores foundational questions about sustainability, including underpinning principles and paradigms, aiming to deepen understanding of why the incorporation of sustainability is crucial in higher education curriculum.
- Competencies, Frameworks, and Curriculum: Introduces key sustainability competencies such as systems thinking, values thinking, and problem-solving, which can be integrated into existing course or programme curriculum.
- Didactical Models for Teaching and Learning Sustainability: Considers various didactic models – like holism, pluralism, and transdisciplinarity – relating these approaches to teaching and learning for sustainability in various disciplines.
- The Future Role of the University: Prompts learners to reflect on the evolving role of universities in relation to future scenarios and grand challenges. Discussions will focus on how universities can prepare students to meet the needs of the future, while considering our ethical responsibilities as educators and academics.
For more information about the course and to register: HEDS kurs.
Contact person about the course: Arna Björg Àrnadòttir (arna.arnadottir@inn.no)