Ikbol, student of Logistics and Commerce in Lithuania, shares a wonderful message with the young people in Uzbekistan

Lithuania is a member country of the European Union (EU) located at the heart of the continent next to the Baltic Sea. Despite the population size of just three million, the country boasts a very deep university tradition. As a result, students from all over the world have already discovered Lithuania as a very convenient place to attain an excellent education. Ikbol Makhsumov from Uzbekistan is one of them. He is a student of Logistics and Commerce at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU Agriculture Academy). According to Ikbol, the new dual degree programme Logistics and Commerce at the VMU Agriculture Academy and the Tashkent State Agrarian University is the exclusive opportunity for the young people of Uzbekistan to study at a European university, take part in the ERASMUS exchange programme between other European universities, and, most importantly, develop modern competences for a promising career in logistics and commerce upon the return to their home country Uzbekistan.
European-level studies in the European capital of culture
According to Ikbol Makhsumov from Fergana, it was not by chance that he became interested in logistics studies. Logistics is a fast-growing diversified global sector that includes the areas such as warehousing, wholesale and transport. His motivation became even stronger when he learnt about the opportunity to work in this field in South Korea before starting his studies.
Having decided to study logistics, Ikbol started researching universities offering logistics study programmes, reading university websites, comparing programme content, university rankings and services. The VMU Agriculture Academy was the one university to have fully matched his expectations. The fact that he had already visited Lithuania, having made friends with the Lithuanians while working in South Korea, also helped him in his final decision.
“When you meet new friends, it’s natural to want to learn more about their home country. They invited me to visit and travel together around Lithuania, the country with one of the oldest languages in the world, the best basketball players, fresh and green nature, and welcoming people,” – he shares. He has also noted that it was easy to become integrated upon arrival, as young people all over the world share far more similarities than differences. In addition, Kaunas, the second largest city after the country’s capital Vilnius, is a dynamic student city. It is home to a diverse community of young people, qualified university staff and friendly local and fellow students who are always there to help when needed. He is impressed by Kaunas city’s well-developed infrastructure of cycle paths, museums and events – it is no coincidence that the city is this year’s European Capital of Culture.
Master’s studies and an ERASMUS trip on the agenda
Ikbol, who is about to start his fourth year of studies, admits to feeling the excitement of gaining new knowledge every new semester. The diversity of knowledge, laboratory activities, logistics and commerce studies are intriguing for him. He also appreciates the fact that a team of guest lecturers visiting from other foreign universities and leading logistics and retail professionals works with the students every semester.
I.Makhsumov had the opportunity to do an internship in a supply management department at one of the leading Lithuanian companies, where he got acquainted with the company’s operational and management processes, innovative systems, professional environment and modern warehouses. His only regret is that the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented him from taking part in the ERASMUS student exchange programme. However, Ikbol’s plans are to pursue his Master’s degree in Logistics at the VMU Agriculture Academy and to go on an ERASMUS traineeship at a university in another European country.
A chance for everyone to make a big step forward in their career
Makhsumov studying in Lithuania is particularly pleased to hear that young people from Uzbekistan now have the opportunity to study logistics and commerce and pursue a dual degree at the Tashkent State Agrarian University and the VMU Agriculture Academy, as this is a great chance to make a huge step forward in their career.
“Uzbekistan is a growing country with increasing export volumes. And no business is possible without efficient logistics and trade. That’s why young people who choose the Logistics and Commerce dual degree programme at the Tashkent State Agrarian University will have great prospects in the future: find promising jobs at private companies, in the public sector or set up own businesses. Half of their studies will take place in Tashkent and the other half in Lithuania, at the VMU Agriculture Academy. They will also prepare and defend their final theses here,” – says Prof. Dr. Astrida Miceikienė, Chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
According to the Professor, who specializes in the field of bioeconomics, during their studies in Lithuania, young people from Uzbekistan will get acquainted with the EU legal framework, business development conditions, specifics of logistics processes, import and export rules and regulations. This knowledge will undoubtedly give the holders of the dual diploma an advantage in the future labour market.
During their studies in Lithuania, students will do an internship at modern companies in Lithuania or other EU countries. Many students in Lithuania combine their studies with work. Students from Uzbekistan will also be eligible to work during their studies. All of them will have the opportunity to live in the unique European campus of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
Two university degrees on graduation
Students are young people who want to move around and gain new experiences. The dual degree programmes will give them ample opportunities to take advantage of ERASMUS, Europe’s popular student exchange programme offerring the chance to study or do a traineeship in other EU countries. Being the most comprehensive university in Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University offers its students exceptional opportunities for complementary studies. Every student has the freedom to design his or her own study path as he or she wishes. While studying his/her chosen major study programme, a student can choose to study any other related study programme. A certificate of completion is issued upon graduation. This way, it is possible to acquire two or even more specialities during the course of studies. The university also offers a wide range of foreign languages to choose from a list of more than 30 languages.
The students from Uzbekistan will graduate with two university diplomas: the Tashkent State Agrarian University and Vytautas Magnus University.
University collaboration is driven by global human challenges
These opportunities opened for the young people of Uzbekistan after the universities signed a cooperation agreement in 2021. The partners plan to actively develop cooperation not only in the development and implementation of dual degree programmes, where part of the study process takes place in Uzbekistan and part in Lithuania, but also to organise joint internships for students and lecturers, student exchanges, joint seminars, scientific conferences, and research projects.
According to Prof. Dr. A. Miceikienė, as the world becomes more global, it is particularly important to pursue intercontinental collaboration between the educational and research institutions, as this helps measure the development of countries and their businesses in the context of different transformations, and to find solutions to climate change, food security, and a host of other issues of relevance to humanity.