Innovative Teaching Competition | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Innovative Teaching Competition

All VMU lecturers are invited to apply for the first-ever “Teaching Innovation Competition”, which will award cash prizes to the winners.

The competition is organised in order to promote pedagogical innovations and their application in the study process, to provide an opportunity to share best practices and to improve the quality of the University’s studies. University lecturers can participate individually or in a group. The deadline for applications is 25 October.

The winners will be selected by a jury of VMU faculty, staff, students and social partners. Each winner can receive a cash prize of up to EUR 1,000 for one teaching innovation, and the winners will be announced at the VMU’s “Quality 360°” event on the occasion of the World Quality Day, on 14 November.

There are two ways to enter the competition:

1. By filling in the Teaching Innovations Application Form yourself.

2. Nominated by a colleague, academic department, study committee or others by completing the nomination form. The nominated teacher(s) will be contacted by the organisers. Nominated lecturers participate in the competition by completing the Teaching Innovation Application Form.

Applications are welcome in six categories:

– Active teaching methods;

– Digital learning technologies using artificial intelligence;

– Innovations for assessing student achievement;

– Encouraging Entrepreneurship;

– Inclusive and personalised teaching methods

– Co-teaching and co-creation.

Applications will be accepted until 25 October.

The award amount per teaching innovation is up to EUR 1000.

Teaching innovation application form.

Nomination form for a colleague. 

Awarded lecturers are invited to publish a short summary of the teaching innovation and a video for publicity, as well as to share the innovation with their colleagues, to provide training for the University community, etc.

The competition is organised by the Study Quality Unit of the Department of Studies. The awards are funded by the VMU Teaching Innovation Promotion Fund.

It is planned to organise the competition annually in the future.

We kindly invite teachers to apply or nominate colleagues!

If you have any questions, please contact: kokybe[eta]